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First Quarter Commendation and Promotion Conference in 2023

Apr. 23, 2023

Time flies, and the first quarter of 2023 has already passed. On April 23rd, all employees of TJCY gathered together to hold the first quarter commendation and promotion conference with the theme of "Embracing the Mission, Persevering in Struggle, and Driving Transformation" in 2023.

"Embracing the Mission, Persevering in Struggle, and Driving Transformation" serves as the theme for our 2023 annual conference and sets the direction for our work. We must always bear our mission in mind, persevere in our efforts, courageously drive transformation, and fulfill the mission through practical actions.

Chapter 1: Performance Review

Looking back at the first quarter of 2023, we chased our goals with sweat and forged our quality with professionalism!

Every department has exerted great enthusiasm and surged forward this year, busy visiting factories, attending international exhibitions, and meeting clients. With everyone's dedicated efforts, we are confident that we will achieve fruitful outcomes. The past achievements have become a reality, and it's crucial for us to introspect, analyze the underlying factors of our performance data, conduct a comprehensive business review, and explore more opportunities revolving around products and customers.

Chapter 2: Commendation for Excellence

The quarterly commendation emphasizes the sharing of honors and experiences, aiming to enable colleagues to acquire skills and enhance their capabilities through exchanges.

First Quarter Individual Sales Performance Champion: Felipe

First Quarter Commendation and Promotion Conference in 2023

First Quarter Individual Sales Performance Sprint Achievement Awards:

Tian Zexin, Ma Huijuan, Wang Shuqing, Wang Ziyi

First Quarter New Product and New Customer Development Sales Champion Awards:

Yao Anjun, Gao Ting, Li Ruyi, Chang Lina

First Quarter New Product and New Customer Development Team Awards:

Sales Department 2, Sales Department 4, Sales Department 5

First Quarter Commendation and Promotion Conference in 2023

First Quarter Commendation and Promotion Conference in 2023

Delivery Star Awards for the First Quarter:

Zhang Chunling, Yang Xiaoya, Gao Chenchen

First Quarter Commendation and Promotion Conference in 2023

First Quarter Commendation and Promotion Conference in 2023

First Quarter Commendation and Promotion Conference in 2023

Excellence Product Managers:

Ma Huijuan, Tian Zexin, Jia Xiaotian, Chang Lina, Hou Weidan

Han Jun, Li Junlong, Zhang Li, Li Kunbin, Zhang Miaomiao

First Quarter Commendation and Promotion Conference in 2023

First Quarter Commendation and Promotion Conference in 2023

Chapter 3: Honorable Promotions

Dong Yaping, Li Ruyi

Chapter 4: Leadership Address

First Quarter Commendation and Promotion Conference in 2023

Tianjin Chengyi International Trading Co., Ltd.

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